@Jahalapeno. Thank you for sharing a very sad ordeal and letting us understand how someone else's spoken and written rules can impact another so horribly.
So glad you woke up from these hypercritical TV evangelists.
GB member "Tight Pants Tony" Morris protests so much, it makes me think that he was either:
Caught too many times staring at young men with a weird smile or look in his eye, that brothers have gone to him in the spirit of Matt 18 to speak to him first to tell him to quit looking at their butts or muscles or genital area or or or. Guys are handsome. It is normal to smile at something pleasant but Tony seems like he can't get enough at looking at all the hundreds of men that surround him each day. So if he can't look, no one else can either.
Or, his wondering eye has been noted too many times by other GB members and they are questioning HIS sexuality so to "red herring" them, he constantly rants about homosexuals and tight pants, since we all know only homosexuals wear tight pants. Right? Certainly, old, fat Tony, can never fit into anything but his big boy suits with his chin(s) still overlaping his collar.
Looking at his age, weight and puffiness, I don't think his wife is getting anything... if she ever has in the past 20 years.
Is Tony Tight Pants sexually frustrated? I would say, yes.
Is he the one that proposed this Welcome to Bethel video talking to young men and women about their own private functions and thoughts? Enslaving them to work for free is not enough for these slave drivers? They have to micromanage how they sleep and if they wake up with a wet dream it is their fault??? Tony and this new introduction to Beth hell video is disgusting.
@Bobby. This Pillow talk OP was placed in the jokes and humor section. Like Orphan Crow said..."Is your funny bone broke?". Or, are you one of those sanitized JW's I see in the videos, the ones who look like they not only left their brains at the door but also their manhood. Why would you allow someone else to manage everything you did 24/7? Why?
Rant over. Sorry.